### for ubb6 ONLY !!! ### DO NOT USE for UBB 5 series !! #### #IP icon and HOSTname resolve from ip address. # #this hack only allow ONLY gifs for ip wording. no wordlets involved. # #this hack removes wordlets for ip logging routine. it is your choice to use this hack. # #made by #ELY M. # # # Do CP hack first for IP icon.. let you choose any icons for any forums... ### open up cp_styles.cgi (CGI_BIN File) find this line print FILE qq!mailgif => q^$in{mailgif}^,\n!; copy and paste this right under ^^^^^ print FILE qq!ipicon => q^$in{ipicon}^,\n!; ** DO this TWICE !!!!! *** There are two print FILE qq!mailgif => q^$in{mailgif}^,\n!; in this script #### If you want to make this ipicon required to fill in your CP just add "ipicon" to your #validate my @ValidateArray = ("BGColor", "TextColor", "LinkColor", "ActiveLinkColor", "VisitedLinkColor", "TableStripTextColor", "TableColorStrip", "TimeColor", "AltColumnColor1", "AltColumnColor2", "CategoryStripColor", "CategoryStripTextColor", "CopyrightTextColor", "BBTitleFontColor", "FontFace", "TableWidth", "TextSize", "FDTextSize", "BBTitle", "BBTopic", "BBReply", "profilegif", "mailgif", "edit_icon", "reply_with_quote_icon", "homepage_icon", "forum_summ_on", "forum_summ_off", "TemplateName", "new_topic_folder", "old_topic_folder", "hot_new_topic_folder", "hot_old_topic_folder", "ubb_friend", "old_locked_folder", "hr_color", "TableBorderColor", "table_border_display", "new_locked_folder", "open_topic", "close_topic", "ubb_friend_mini", "move_topic", "delete_topic", "prev_topic", "next_topic", "search_graphic", "priv_message", "ipicon"); &Validate(@ValidateArray); just optinal thing to do.. just do this twice if you want to. ########################## ###open up cp_vars_style.pl (TEMPLATE file) find this line &RegField (qq!Author Rating - 5

!, "user_ratings_5", "yes", "30", "60", "", "$vars_style{user_ratings_5}"); PASTE THIS AFTER ^^^^^^^ &RegField (qq!IP ICON

!, "ipicon", "", "30", "60", "", "$vars_style{ipicon}"); ################################ done with CP hack for ip icon ##### open up ubb_lib_posting.cgi (cgi-bin) find those code # IP $ip_number = $thisline[7]; chomp($ip_number); if (($vars_display{AuthorColumn} eq 'Minimum') || ($thisline[8] eq 'unreg')) { $ip_divider = ''; } else { $ip_divider = ' | '; } if (($ip_number ne '') && ($vars_misc{IP} eq 'ON')) { $ip_wording = "$ip_divider $vars_wordlets{ip_logged}: $ip_number"; } elsif ( ($ip_number ne '') && ($vars_misc{IP} eq 'LOGONLY')) { $ip_wording = qq($ip_divider $vars_wordlets{ip}: $vars_wordlets{ip_logged}); } else { $ip_wording = ''; } replace the ip adddress routine with this # IP $ip_number = $thisline[7]; chomp($ip_number); if (($vars_display{AuthorColumn} eq 'Minimum') || ($thisline[8] eq 'unreg')) { $ip_divider = ''; } else { $ip_divider = ' | '; } @digits = split (/\./, $ip_number); $address = pack ("C4", @digits); $ThisDomain = gethostbyaddr ($address, 2); if (($ip_number ne '') && ($vars_misc{IP} eq 'ON')) { $ip_wording = "\"IP:"; } elsif ( ($ip_number ne '') && ($vars_misc{IP} eq 'LOGONLY')) { $ip_wording = ""; } else { $ip_wording = ''; } ########################################### open public_show_ip.pl (TEMPLATE file))) PAste this under # UBB SHOW IP @digits = split (/\./, $ip_number); $address = pack ("C4", @digits); $ThisDomain = gethostbyaddr ($address, 2); ## find $ip_number then put ( $ThisDomain ) by $ip_number like this $ip_number ( $ThisDomain ) ####### that is it !!! you should see nice gifs for Ip's logged stuff after you set up them in your CP. ### go in your CP and choose the gif for your ip icon ### make sure the gif you have for ip icon is in noncgi or images directory. go in style templates and choose style temple to view/edit you have many choices in ubb_lib_posting.cgi you could use ALT="IP: $ip_number ( $ThisDomain )" in your img src and see the ip's easily. in the ubb_lib_posting.cgi dirty work :)