######################### # #Member number # option in CP hack #Created By ELY M. # #it let you choice to keep memeber #'s viewable or Hide on the topic page ... # ### open cp_lib.cgi (cgi-bin) find this print FILE qq!author_location => "$in{author_location}",\n!; print FILE qq!author_reg_date => "$in{author_reg_date}",\n!; print FILE qq!author_post_total => "$in{author_post_total}",\n!; put this below print FILE qq!member_number => "$in{member_number}",\n!; ####### open cp_vars_display.pl (Template) find this line &RadioField ("Show Total Topics/Posts/Both?", "ForumTotalOption", "yes", "On the first UBB display page that lists all of your forums, you may display either the total topics within each forum, the total posts within each forum, or both.", "$vars_display{ForumTotalOption}", "Topics|Display TOPIC count only.%%Posts|Display POST count only.%%Both|Display POST AND TOPIC counts."); paste this after this ^^^^^ &RadioField ("show member number under usernames ?", "member_number", "yes", "It will be shown by her/his user name", "$vars_display{member_number}", "yes|YES, it can be seen and seen and could be dangerous!%%no|Dont show them hide them keep them private !"); ### open public_topic_page.pl (template) find this line my $row = qq~ PASTE THIS right before my $row = qq~ if ($vars_display{member_number} eq "no") { $member_number = ""; } It is control panel based hack go in your CP and decide if you want member # to be shown or not